Holy Avtar Vani - Shabad No. 307
Sahib mera sarvvyapi kujh na is ton khali hai;
Patta patta tol maryai khojya dali dali hai.
Udhron putte edhar lave eh ik adbhut mali hai;
Naven naven is roop sajaye har mukhrhe te lali hai.
Roop rang te bhekh na isda isdi shaan nirali hai;
Kahe avtar balihare javan jis eh jot vikhali hai.
God is omnipresent. God is omnipresent; there is no space clear of Him. One may search any leaf or branch. God is a wonderful gardener, He uproots from one side and transplants on the other. He created beautiful creations, every face shines with divine glow. God has no form, no color, no visible sign of distinction, He is superior and unique. Baba Avtar Singh ji asks us to pay our gratitude to the True Master, who reveals the Divine Light.